Dec 23, 2008

My Mother is a MILF from Juicing

Here's the back story - "Mashin' Mama looks great! We can't believe how good she looks after just a few months of juicing." 
This was evidence enough for her two thirty-something daughters to run out and buy affordable juicers, plug them in and juice juice away. Since time zones and the daily grind keep them from talking to Mashin Mama as much as they would like the daughters, Squishin' Squeeshie and Juicin' Jones, started this blog to keep up with their mother and her new juicin' lifestyle.


  1. The before and after pictures are amazing!!! When can we see them?

  2. Mashin' Mama juiced celery, carrots, kale, cucumbers, radishes, cabbage, apple, pear, cranberries, kiwi, and topped off with ginger. Instant energy that last all day. Thanks to Juicin' Jones and Squishin' Squeeshie we are the Juicin' Lucy's that love their juice.
