Mar 31, 2009

The Compost Bin!

Thanks AGAIN to Juicin' Jones for her inspiration in creating a COMPOST! In less than 30 mins. I was able to create a kid friendly, earth friendly compost in my small suburban side yard!
With the abundance of info on the Internet , I found it to be as easy as 1 2 3~. I'm sure my fellow juicers have felt the guilt of dumping rinds and fiber scraps in the the garbage can. Guilt no more! Take a short nature hike with the kids, round up fallen leaves, pine needles and twigs, jam 'em in the stroller and head home for a kid friendly project! I took a 100 liter Rubbermaid type storage bin from the garage and drilled about 25 holes on the bottom, top rim and sides. Layered the bottom with strips of newspaper( black print), small pieces of cardboard and the brown dried stuff over that. Then my daughter dumped in our 3 days worth of veggie/fruit scraps, egg shells, tea bags and coffee rinds and tossed them on top. I let the kids generously spray the whole pile with a water bottle. Covered the bin securely with the lid and immediately felt the guilt decompose before my eyes!! HOORAY !! Give it a try..your guaranteed to feel better and make a difference too!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. I am going to get that started. Thanks for the instructions. Thanks Green Diva!
